You see, in 1692, three sisters were accused of witchcraft. Each were tied to a stake and set fire, from their ashes rose three majestic redwood trees. Was this coincidence or maybe a sign? No one knows for sure, but some say those trees, its branches and roots hold their souls.
Over 157 years later during The Great Gold Rush of ‘49, a gold mine was dug near the Three Sisters Trees. Legend has it, that mine was quickly abandoned. Left behind was a wooden sign-- carved on it, one word…CURSED!
In July 1883, the small town of Adams Creek emerged right next to that mine. A few years passed and the town grew quickly. Gold was still around this land, but was diminishing fast. The town knew about the Three Sister’s Mine (as it became known) and of its curse, so no one dared to enter.
However, some of the folk were getting desperate and decided it would be a good idea to start mining it. The Sisters gold was traded for cash and with that, each miner suffered their curse, the curse of the Three Witches!
It’s now 1913 and Adams Creek is becoming a ghost town. With your help, Professor James O’Lantern, 13 Skeletons and the R. Goldberg Mining Company will try to REVERSE THE CURSE and save this old mining town!
Displayed in our yard,
in October each year,
Thirteen skeletons
would always appear.
They'd rise from the ground
and would play through the night,
Then freeze in their places
at dawn's first light.
Each night I would wonder
if it was a dream,
But every morning
there was a new scene.
For under the moonlight
beside our oak tree,
Their balancing acts
were amazing to see.
With each book we write,
we will bring you their story:
You'll see 13 Skeletons
in all their glory!